Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So Coop is a pretty funny kid. He makes his friends laugh a lot at least that's what all his friends tell me.

Well the other night he came home and told me when I went to back to school night I had to tell his teachers that I was Bubbalicious's mom. Huh?

He told all his teachers that his name is Cooper but everyone calls him Bubbalicious or Bubba for short.
His teachers said the only way they will call him that is if his parents confirm it.

Today I got this note from Coop..should I start to worry? I don't think I want a child named Bubba... :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Time is ticking away..much to my dismay!

I am laying here in my bed so emotional for some reason tonight (yes emotional is a better way of saying it than crying my eyes out!)...maybe because I have been sick the last couple of days and have a lot of thinking time.

Sienna fell asleep next to me and as I watch her sleep I feel so sad. I just really want to freeze time. I don't want my kids to grow up. Is that normal?

Sienna as a newborn....

Coop has always taken amazing care of Sienna since day one...

Conwey took the kids to grab some dinner tonight and my sweet Cooper is calling me asking me what I want to eat. Trying to talk to the guy at the place to get my veggie burger baked, not fried..( I mean who fries a veggie burger! seriously?) when they couldn't do that he called asking if I would want something from Chipotle instead. It just touched my heart that he was working so hard to try and get me something to eat because he knew I wasn't feeling well. Then he brought it up to me on a him!


Coop and Hunter ages 1 and 4

I don't want my kids to grow up! Hunter's been gone tons lately he leaves for school at 8:30 am and the nights he has games I don't see him till 11:00 at night. On the days he doesn't have games he doesn't get home from football practice til 7:00! Makes me sad.
I don't know if these feelings are normal or not. I know I shouldn't dwell on the inevitable but I find my mind just wanders there a lot....and I get so sad.


Coop and Hunter

I was thinking about my mom today realizing it's been almost 6 years since she passed away. 6 YEARS! Hunter was 10...Jackson's age. Jackson was 4... Sienna's age.
Where did those 6 years go? I sometimes feel like it was yesterday..then when I try to remember what her laugh sounded like or what her voice was like...remember what her hugs felt like and I can't makes me so sad. I miss her.

My mom and I....
That's Coop as a this was about 11 years ago.....

And then we have my sweet, crazy Jackson.....

Rach has always had a special relationship with Jackson...and all the boys...they adore her.

This is when he was 4 and broke his leg snowboarding...

I really feel like all these pictures were taken yesterday...

So for now I am going to cherish these days while my kids are the ages they are...and still love and want to be with me. I know it probably won't always be like this so I am soaking it in today.

Sorry for the emotional post...just had to write these feelings down. Especially before tomorrow comes and they are all fighting and driving me crazy. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

So we had a weird unexpected rain storm today...and I could hear Sienna outside...I immediately got annoyed because she was all dressed and ready and I was thinking oh that little booger better not be outside in that rain!
Then when I looked out the window this is what I saw...and well it kinda melted my heart.

Don't mind the bush I was trying to be sly and take these pictures so they wouldn't see me through the window....

Not sure what she would do without those brothers!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Days and Football...

So I haven't even posted any pictures from the first day of school you all know we weren't ready for school to the first day was sad sad sad.....
Jackson is in his final year of Elementary which is crazy to me. He was in 1st grade when we moved to Ashburn.

Me: Jackson please smile..just one smile...
Jackson: There is nothing to smile about..its the first day of school.

I got a little one...
Me: Oh no Jackson there's the bus...RUN!!!!
Jackson: Nooooo seriously...on the first day!

There it goes...

It's a good thing the bus driver knows Jackson well...

She will make a special stop just for him...

Phew...he made it! Way to start off the new year! :)

Coop: Mom stop right there! You are not following me to the bus stop this year!
Me: Coop I am just gonna go to the next mailbox I promise
Coop: NO!!!! You are not doing that again this year! SERIOUSLY STOP!
Me: worked last year I will have to get my long lens out!

Me: Bye Coop...sniff sniff....I love you...I will miss you today!

Hunter: MOM What are you doing?
Me: Just taking some pictures on the first day of your Sophomore year...
Hunter: You are NOT following me to the bus stop!
Me: Geez what is with you guys...there's nothing wrong with me following you to the bus and taking pictures...
Me: oooooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyy (Yelling as he walks down the street...) I LOVE YOU HUNTER! HAVE A GREAT FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!
Hunter: silence...pretending not to know the crazy lady yelling down the street to him...

Good thing I get to go home to this cute face that still loves me and lets me take pictures! Love her!

We decided to start a new tradition of going to get ice creme on the first day of school as well as the last day of school...the kids seemed to like this new tradition....

Rach was up for the day and she liked it too...

Baby Hudson wants to know where his ice creme is....

So then we were off to Hunter's football game...funny they had one on the first day of school but he was glad not to have to worry about what to wear to school on the first day..just his jersey.

Hunter #78

Hudson wasn't quite sure what to think about his first football game...

Jackson and Sienna... we love when friends come to the games!

Hudson liked his 2nd game a bit more in the comfy arms of Holly....and while it looks like Rach is holding a small baby..that's just her burrito don't worry! ;)

While we miss summer time so much we love football night...under the lights...with hot chocolate and popcorn...and spending time with good friends and family! It's a good thing because we have PLENTY more football games to go.

Jackson- The Hokies
Cooper- The Rams
Hunter- Briar Woods Falcons!

Stay Tuned......

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


My first born...just turned 16 years old. I am so not sure how that has even happened because I swear it was YESTERDAY I was 16. I should feel so happy he has grown into such a awesome young man but I just feel sad. I only have a few more years with him.

Hunter is a hard one when it comes to birthdays and Christmas...he doesn't ever say what he wants to do or what he wants for presents. This year was a bit easier in that all he has been wanting for months is the new iPhone 4...he has been dreaming about getting his little hands on it so I knew we had a good gift for him. Although I think I had him freaked out he wasn't going to get it. He kept saying BUT ITS ALL I WANT! Other than a car..which I keep telling isn't going to happen especially because he doesn't have his licence yet.

So we planned a mean basketball game with all his cousins and uncles for him which he loved....and we had a family BBQ for him. Not quite the sweet 16 party he sees on MTV but he was still happy...easy to please...Cooper will be my child that wants that sweet 16 party! Ha!

He woke up to scones for his bday breakfast...

and lots of hugs...

You wouldn't want to think that they might actually love each other..could they hug any farther apart? baby holder ever!

Jimmy and Taylor no doubt talking politics...


Nico and Sierra

Hunter and his cousin Micah...they have been best friends since birth.

Grandpa Ed...don't think he could love Hunter anymore than he does...such a great grandpa!

Aunt Rachel who has been around Hunter his whole of the best Aunts Ever!

and a very tired looking mom...who loves Hunter more than anything..(and cute baby Hudson)

So my 2010 10 things I love about Hunter...

1. He has the best laugh ever
2. I KNOW I can completely trust him at all times to do the right thing
3. He is a mac/apple GENIUS
4. I love how he always gives me the 10 minutes after picking him up from somewhere on the way home telling me everything about his day or night out
5. He is a great example to his brothers, sister, cousins, and whole family
6. He is a great athlete
7. He gets straight A's even in his honors classes
8. He isn't the best cleaner (like shoving everything in his closet when he is told to clean his room) but when he decides to really clean he does a great job
9. The older he gets the more I love to just hang out with him
10. He is really really funny and makes all his friends laugh all the time

Hope you have the best year ever! Free to date up a storm! Have Fun! I love love love you Hunter!