Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Birthday's...not what they use to be

So I have been meaning all month to do a Birthday post seeing as my birthday was March 4th...I am a bit behind.
You know I really don't look forward to my birthdays anymore and the older I get the more I just want to skip the whole thing....
So this year was just a really weird birthday. 
I woke up after having crazy dreams all night long about my mom...they seemed so real. I wondered if it was her way of saying Happy Birthday to me. :)
I woke up super emotional though, which is never a good thing. Then it was just kind of business as usual. Getting up, making kids lunches, kids off to school....just the norm.  
I drove to the gym still crying about my mom then my brother called and I cried even more...love you Wade!
So then I got to the gym and my sweet friend Carmen had decorated my spin bike for me and the guy at the front desk thought he would be funny and write Happy 40th on it...I am sooo not 40 yet! 

So then my sweet friend Julie came to the gym and picked up Sienna for me so I could have the afternoon to myself which really...there couldn't be a better gift!
So Carmen and I spent the afternoon shopping...so much fun.

Carmen (sorry I cropped out her husband because I stole this picture...)We didn't take any pictures on my birthday.....

Then the kids got home from school and it was back to the norm...homework, practices, etc.
Then lucky me...Jackson had his school play that night. So I spent the evening in the school gym watching a sweet rendition of the musical Rats.
I know...seriously....could I have loved being anywhere else as much? :)
Then Conwey and I went and grabbed dinner at Sweet Water Tavern and then home to bed...
It really was a weird birthday. We did have icecream cake too.....
I was so emotional all day long. I think I just needed to go to sleep.

Anyway before my birthday I was able to go out with my sister Rach for a night..she was out of town for my actual birthday so we went out shopping and to dinner before.
It was lots of fun and she treated me to a yummy dinner at Cheesecake Factory.

So then this past weekend my great girlfriends took me out for a very fun evening filled with pedicures, dinner at Coastal Flats, and a movie. It was a lot of fun....

So thanks everyone for a great birthday....well as great as a birthday can be these days!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Is it a girl thing?

Every single time I turn around Sienna has completely taken every stitch of clothing off!
I don't remember my boys ever doing this. The other day the missionaries were picking up some food and out runs Sienna... nothing on.... they weren't sure what to think....plus it was freezing outside.
I am hoping this is just a stage....do all girls go through this or just mine?

I think she has also started the terrible two's....let's hope it ends before she turns three. (May 23rd)
Okay I know that is wishful thinking! I love her to death and she can be the sweetest, funniest, little thing, but oh my goodness the drama and meltdowns that have been coming out of her lately.... Sheesh!
Some nights I fall into my bed completely exhausted from just her! 
I am sure this is nothing compared to the teenage years. Oh my! Calgon take me away!!! 
(remember those commercials?)